Being left in the dark – literally – can be a scary time for some families, especially if there are children in the house. You may be in different areas of the home when it happens and this can cause them to panic, then for them to try to navigate their way to you or vice versa can be stressful or even worse quite dangerous. Stairs and all sorts of sharp edges pose a safety hazard when all you have to see are your hands essentially.

Times are changing, the world is experiencing a new environmental phenomenon, and utility companies with their power struggles are letting us bear the consequences with constant power outages, and life as we know it has gone into survival mode. Thus, it is vitally important to be as prepared as possible for all scenarios.

Where to start.

Knowing how, where, or when to begin your ‘survival prep’ process and equipment can be daunting, but taking it one step at a time and being organized will help keep your mind at ease. Yes, the essentials of dried and canned food come to mind, a crate full of spare batteries and torches for the whole family and then some, and medical provisions in case of unforeseen accidents all play a role.

Then we need to think bigger, outside of the box. Bottled water, spare blankets, and heat wraps, and the most important aspect, a back-up electric source should the village be shunned to darkness un-expectantly. For some, it may be overwhelming trying to understand how to go about setting this up but it is easier than you might think.

The right company.

When it comes to naturally harnessed energy to convert into electricity we immediately think of the sun, solar energy, but feel anxious trying to install a system ourselves or be overcharged for what we believe to a life-saving ‘appliance.’

Thus using a reputable and reliable company is a must such as Tesla home battery Sacramento where your needs are aligned with your budget, and all done with great customer care in mind. Solar panels and batteries needn’t be a ‘down payment’ of a house to install, nor do you need the top-of-the-line 50-panel package.

You need and want something to fit your current finances and lifestyle, the product should still be aesthetically pleasing to the home, and take a weight off knowing you have a system in place to take care of your family in tricky times.

Solar batteries can offer you this comfort, you will see a significant decrease in your day-to-day running of the house, and when the time comes the stored energy will continue to light up and run the essential appliances till the main electrics are restored.

What are solar batteries?

Naturally, there is a more technical and in-depth explanation of this which you can read here,a%20physical%20and%20chemical%20phenomenon but for the diluted version as such, a solar battery is a paneled cell that stores energy via a PV system which runs through the home inverter of the home and turns those sun rays into usable electricity.

They are convenient in size for the most part and when installed well could add as a feature to homes, often increasing the overall value of the property.

They are constant renewable energy and the great feature about the system is it is low maintenance. There are still minor routine checks that need to be carried out like with all appliances, but with a minimum 5-10 year warranty, you can sleep easier at night.

3 Benefits of using solar energy.

  • Environment. Your carbon footprint will be that much lower and you are using what nature has provided, working harmoniously.
  • Cost-effective. Using a power source that is continuously regenerating will cut your electric bills drastically and save you financially in the long run.

The list of positives is endless but don’t just take my word for it, read here to see what others have to say on the topic and understand their experiences before and after using solar energy.

  • Versatile. This is a feature that appealed to us when we installed our panels, moving home wasn’t an issue and with portable options available to we had an energy source wherever we went.

Solar is fast becoming the energy source of choice, don’t get left behind.